Written: 1st April 2024
Belore is the one-man project of French vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Aleevok. Through his music, Aleevok seeks to create imaginary natural landscapes in which epic medieval adventures take place. Building on the story and realms of the previous album Artefacts, Eastern Tales is the third full length release from this atmospheric black / folk metal venture.
From its first moments, the short but majestic opening instrumental To The Eastern Lands conjures images of vast panoramas, the rising of the sun and a flock of migrating birds passing by, each surveyed from a high vantage point. Lush synths and choral voices paint glorious images of valleys and mountains stretching out before us as we look to the East and consider the challenge that awaits. Sons of the Sun begins with delicately picked acoustic guitar as the pastoral images of the natural world continue to build until exquisite, wafting woodwind focuses the attention of the listener. As the two combine, the sound is redolent of Mike Oldfield’s (Return To) Ommadawn and the beautiful chord structures associated with Enya. A minute into the track, drums shower down in thoughtful patterns starting the quest on which we find ourselves. Aleevok’s growling vocals sit firmly in the realms of black metal but creative orchestrations mean the track never loses sight of the mystical, enchanted landscapes it is painting. Sons of the Sun makes full use of the vivid and evocative imagery that will already be familiar to those who have investigated Belore in the past. The ground burns as the summit approaches / The Golden Company is climbing the Red Mountain / Endraïl’s den is in sight / Kept by basalt skin men with no fear or pain / Ready to defend this item / We shall be guided by the light. With lyrics that explore themes common in fantasy and heroic tales, Sons of the Sun also suggests there is a moral or spiritual dimension to the quest. Every guitar solo reaches for the sky, uplifting the soul, while every lyric and place name aids the listener in visualising the world Aleevok is creating.
During its ten minutes, Storm of an Ancient Age travels through several different musical passages. Expectant keyboard and more insistent picked guitar join the spiritual voices as whispering water and creaking wooden boats set us sailing on the next leg of our mission. Moving away from the shore / The turmoil slowly replaced by the sound of waves stroking the bow / Despite the great distance / The stronghold of Therallas keeps its glory and its majesty. Rapid percussive double kicks and blast beats begin, expressing the greater urgency felt by those on the boats as voices join in unison to sing of their odyssey. Across the sea into unknown country / Our ships will soar above the breeze / A mighty song rising / Sailing as one on infinite azure / A burning sky, a sunset on fire / The journey just begins. The pace of the track picks up as a turbulent storm descends. Drums pound and crash, a melodic but fervent guitar solo reaches a crescendo as some of the unfortunate travellers succumb to the waves. As the tempest passes and calmer weather returns, the commanding voice of the narrator (as elsewhere on the album) brings a grandiose gravitas to the telling of the story. After hours of challenging battle / The sun breaks through the grey vault / Some of the boats are now asleep in darker deeps / Nevertheless, forest and mountains take shape far beyond / This new world, long awaited is finally at hand / A shining hope in the sailors’ eyes is risen! The track ends with inspiring lyrics, hopeful synth flourishes and a renewed sense of optimism of the sailors as they reach the shores of an ancient civilisation. With each passing moment of Storm of an Ancient Age, the listener feels as if they have earned their place on the quest such is the inexorable attraction of the music, the lyrics and the sense of camaraderie that Aleevok squeezes from every note.

At the beginning of The Hermit Awakes, there is a rustic, pastoral feel to the lissomly strummed acoustic guitar and enigmatic woodwind as we find we find ourselves wandering at dawn through our newly discovered world – the Forest of Valdolen. Restrained orchestrations accompany Aleevok’s clean vocals as he tells us of a man who was condemned to flee his homeland. As the second section of The Hermit Awakes begins, black metal vocals merge with clean vocals in revelation as a sublime, radiant guitar solo builds. Living among Stoneskin humans / Erethor is hiding from his past / After the Fall of Endeor / He chose a way, hermit, in the eastern lands. After returning to the calmness of the opening of the track, The Hermit Awakes takes a menacing turn; the most musically savage section of music we have experienced so far reveals an ominous threat that has thus far been hidden. Revealing himself to the great army of Riarl / The wizard swears allegiance to his new king / But no time for gallantry, a danger is growing / Denelïor overthrow the throne with his magic cult.
The second instrumental of the album Denelïor’s Betrayal is a ghostly passage of illusory synths which serves as preparation for the encounter to come – the Battle for Therallas, the penultimate track on the album. Beginning with ethereal female voices and suspenseful synths, the Battle for Therallas then explodes with a surge of almighty riffs and double kick drums. Fortifying vocals call the soldiers to battle as the relentless percussion rains down and continues throughout the remainder of the song. Warriors of western echoes / Come to my call, be proud / Our chance to win back the town / Is in your hands, be honoured. As the battle rages on, Aleevok delivers his most viciously spat lyrics of the entire album with the orchestration reaching fever pitch. Green fire arises beyond the ramparts / A deadly rain decimating the front lines / Running on burnt bodies / Lynna reaches the main door / Opening a breach to the city.
Rain falls as The Rise of a Sovereign begins with gladdening synths and regal voices rejoicing. A narrative of transformation and empowerment also finds Riarl in a place of contemplation. Having seen the darkness, the light will rise above it all / Despite the dangers that fate will put in its path / A new strength emerges from his despair / The rise of a sovereign. If Aleevok aimed for the heroic on the rest of Eastern Tales, he throws everything in his playbook into The Rise of a Sovereign: thunder rumbles, regal brass plays in triumph and a final guitar solo witnesses the crowning of the new king. Monumental in scale, the final track on the album builds and builds to a stately, noble and epic conclusion, leaving the listener breathless as the final carefully chosen notes on the synth signal an end to the mammoth quest.
It is safe to say that if you enjoy one song on Eastern Tales, you will enjoy them all and while some might struggle to appreciate the album and argue that the tracks follow similar themes and variations, for many - including myself - it is an album that will be cherished. Although Eastern Tales lasts a little under forty-five minutes, Aleevok manages to portray so much detail in his story and description of the environment and character that the listener is able to immerse themselves in his world with no difficulty. His use of tempo, dynamics and timbres completely reflects each element of his portrayal with unerring accuracy.
Without doubt, Belore incorporates black metal within the lyrics but to dismiss them merely as an atmospheric black metal band would be to do the scale of the endeavour a disservice. Simultaneously cinematic, imposing, pastoral, passionate and dark, Eastern Tales will appeal to fans of metal bands such as Summoning, Moonsorrow or Saor. Furthermore, those who appreciate metal alongside Enya, the more bucolic elements of Mike Oldfield’s discography and at least a passing interest in fantasy-based adventures will also find themselves intoxicated by the album, story and world (the album comes with artwork for each song and a map) Aleevok has created. Join the quest….
Eastern Tales is released on 5th April 2024
For more info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Beloreofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/belore.official
