Having burst to life at the tail end of the 1990s, Grave Desecrator are celebrating their 25th Anniversary with the release of their fourth full length album Immundissime Spiritus (in English – A Most Impure Spirit). Following in the footsteps of fellow Brazilian metal bands such as Sepultura, Sarcofago and Mutilator, Grave Desecrator, a black / death metal three-piece from Rio De Janeiro, have shown the fire and desire long associated with the South American metal scene. Having played various European and South American festivals and shared acts such as Exodus, Ghost, Angel Witch, Archgoat, and Hirax, the band have spread their word far beyond their own country.
It is safe to say from the outset, that Immundissime Spiritus is a monstrous album in the true sense of the word: aggressive, brutal and savage. Yet within the thundering intensity of the ten tracks on offer here, there are moments of melody such as that just over three minutes into opener Necromantical Hex. Fear shines in the eyes of the saints / When they hear the necromantical hex / Devotees of the light cannot deny it / Follow the left-hand path snarls vocalist / guitarist Butcherazor as drummer Mkult ferociously and unrelentingly makes his thunderous presence known.

While those black / death origins are clearly the area in which Grave Desecrator are most comfortable, parts of second track, Death Misery Ecstasy, wander well into the arena of thrash metal and moments that would be perfectly at home on Slayer albums such as South of Heaven or Seasons in the Abyss. It proves to be a stimulating and powerful combination. Lyrically, Grave Desecrator slew between familiar black and death metal themes with a dash of gothic and doom influences. Perpetual sleep, desolation and disgrace / A moment of joy and decay / Eternal life and illusion I scorn / I am the misery, I am the man of doom.
Immundissime Spiritus has an embarrassment of riches in terms of guitar solos, which surge and spiral within almost every song. Guitarist Black Sin and Damnation (who played on the album but has since been replaced in the line-up with A. Círio Sacrilege) , unstintingly and urgently works the fretboard with a nimble and compelling dexterity.
Although Finis Hominis, Occult Bewitchment (which starts with the steady picking of an acoustic guitar) and parts of final track Whited Sepulchre, follow a more atmospheric and slower paced path, there is still a bombardment of lightning quick riffs and bludgeoning drumming within each.

One of the most interesting pieces on the album is the shorter linking track Missa Pro Defunctis. Incorporating melody, chanting and a simpler but absorbing structure, it serves as a moment of relief from the unbroken pummelling which pervades the greater part of the album. The section of spoken word mirrors that of a similar, although lengthier and more haunting spoken word passage in the simply titled Fogo-Fátuo (Wisp in English). Fogo-Fátuo sees Grave Desecrator indulging their desire to expand their horizons but always with their feet firmly planted in their black / death metal roots. While the dense yet apprehensive ambience entwines with Butcherazor’s during his tormented monologue (We are the apparition that splits the mist), it feels like we are watching from a distance waiting for something to burst from the haze and, as the spoken word sections ends unexpectedly and brutally with one of the heaviest riffs on offer here, this is indeed the case.
Excellent work by co-producers Caio Mendonça and Felipe Borges (along with production by the band) means that Immundissime Spiritus does not suffer from the fate of so many albums within this genre. Drums, although almost consistently bulldozing in nature, are well balanced with both guitars and vocals.
At just under 38 minutes, Grave Desecrator show a good understanding of how to balance maleficence, brutality and palate cleansing segments. While they may not be breaking completely new ground in terms of originality or progression with the established norms of the genre, there is plenty for fans of black / death metal to enjoy. Indulge your impure spirit here….
Written: May 2023
Physical release of the album was 12 May 2023. It will be available on digital / streaming platforms soon.
Watch the video for Fogo-Fátuo below.